Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | atlantisbbs.dyndns.org:2600 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Old school BBS running Wildcat 4.20. Door games and message nets including Retronet, Ilink, and gamenet. BBS is expanding weekly. Come visit today

Telnet: | bcrgames.com:31337 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
The BCR Games Server, or the Black Country Rock Games Server, is the home to all the custom games designed by Black Country Rock, Shooter Jennings & Bit Sunrise BBS. The server is setup on a dedicated 300mbps internet stream and a dedicated Windows 7 machine running 24/7. Games so far include: 1. From Here […]

Telnet: | blackstar-bbs.servegame.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cscnet1.net |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
All about Crappie Fishing in Florida

Telnet: | ems-bbs.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
A mix of new/old/custom doors all registered , fido/hobbynet/fsxnet/winsnet. MUST have ANSI terminal to connect. Also we have 5 new CUSTOM trivia doors for various shows and movies 🙂 .NOW being hosted on a FASTER connection!

Telnet: | tfb-bbs.org |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | globalchaosbbs.com |
Modem: | +49 8206 5360387 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
The Global Chaos BBS started in the early 90’s with AmiExpress v1.1 – v4.0. In the Mid of the 90’s it changed to PcBoard v15.22/v15.3 with OS/2 Warp 4. After closing the BBS for 24 years I started again on Feb 2023 with Wildcat Interactive Server v8.xx and reopen the Global Chaos BBS, now with […]

Telnet: | hpbbs.synchro.net |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | hobbylinebbs.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Reachable via Telnet or the web at hobbylinebbs.com it runs door games galore!

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | telnet.manic-modem.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Manic Modem BBS; the good old days of BBSing! The BBS was active as a dial-up service from 1993 to 1995. It was closed when the Internet took over the 418 area (Quebec, Canada). The BBS was fully restored in 2004 as a Telnet BBS. It is now reachable at www.manic-modem.com

Telnet: | bbs.olografix.org |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | mail.oh.mg |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | xtcbox.org |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.opto22.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | paladium.servebbs.com:20 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Paladium since early 1990’s 50+ Dos based Door Games 10+ 32bit based Doors. Telnet out to other BBS’s. Full access on first call. NEW quick login and registration process. Please visit AvL-SyS our new BBS system with full a e-mail system. ssh, telnet, http, smtp, pop3.

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | online.winserver.com:24 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Santronics Software is the new home for Wildcat! Interactive Net Server (WIN Server) for Windows 95/98/NT, purchasing it from Mustang in 1998.

Telnet: | bbs.techware2k.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
100+ ANSI Games, 60+ HTML/JAVA Games. Large File base (DOS thru WINDOWS 10) including WILDCAT 4 & WILDCAT 5 (WINSERVER) applications. NETWORKS: FIDONET, ILINK, SSINET, and NEWSGROUPS. Outbound TELNET/FTP/IRC, QWK/REP Packets via HTTP, Ping, Lookup, TraceRoute, Finger, Whois Utilities via TELNET. Connections available via WWW, Telnet, FTP, NNTP, POP3. Telnet via Internet browser. Home of […]

Telnet: | bbs.tristarbbs.com |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.tuxedocatbbs.com:2323 |
Modem: | 341-221-4808 or 844-227-4979 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Reliving the 90s! Old and new door games. Dial-in with real modems! 3 lines, USR Courier V.34 at 341-221-4808, toll-free 844-227-4979. Telnet access. Internet email via UUCP. Wildcat! 4.20

Telnet: | vortex.redirectme.net:3777 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Wildcat BBS, since 1996, reloaded couple of times. Fidonet, Amiganet

Telnet: | wastelands-bbs.net |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.wccastle.net:2424 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Bulletin, Messages, Files, Door games, chat, and other info. in BBS. BBS info/ bulletin, game scores, comic and photo of any castles in Web page. L.O.R.D., WT-LORD, Tradewars 2002 game server, and more. Wildcat! v4, and Synchronet system.

Telnet: | wizardsrainbow.com |
Modem: | 323-436-5249 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Formerly Bit Sunrise BBS, Wizard’s Rainbow has been online since 2014. We provide a unique experience with an completely original BBS format complete with custom BCR games & chances to win real prizes! We also host a large, original file base online, active caller base and multiple message networks.