Telnet: | tlcbbs.synchro.net:6023 |
Software: | Searchlight |
Connection: | Telnet |
Part of the Lost Chord BBS group. The BBS breakdown as follows: The primary board running on Synchronet and fully functional Secondary board running on Searchlight BBS software, not fully functional but worth visiting for a different look. The Commodore BBS running on C-Net DSII 2.6d on a WinVICE instance. Unstable, but feel free to call […]

Telnet: | bbs.thenet.gen.nz:2324 |
Software: | Searchlight |
Connection: | Telnet |
Sysop: Nick MacKechnie Telnet: telnet://bbs.thenet.gen.nz Port 2324 or via http://bbs.thenet.gen.nz/telnet Web: http://bbs.thenet.gen.nz City: Christchurch, New Zealand Inception: Originally 1988 Fees: Free – Unlimited Access Files: General Selection of over 25,000 Shareware files Nets: JustaXnet 510:5126/0 – Fidonet 3:772/210 – AdventureNet 33:1000/200 – – STN 111:8644/1, RelayNet 900:104/3159, Micronet 816:510/10, fsxNET 21:1/142 Software: Searchlight 5.1 Beta Revision 2, Irex […]