Telnet: | amis86.ddns.net:9000 |
Modem: | 760-330-2600 (AMISXE/AMISXE) |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Restored AMIS BBS from MACE 1986 platform. This BBS is a tribute to the Atari BBS community where AMIS, FoReM and basic programming dominated the BBS scene. Telnet and Dial up Dial up 760-330-2600 user id and password: amisxe 80/40 column Ascii and Atari/Atascii Atascii using MuffinTerm, FujiNet or Atari Terminal Program. SyncTerm use Atari […]

Telnet: | pofobbs.ddns.net:992 |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Telnet |
This is dedicated to those who have the Atari Portfolio. Tons of files for your Portfolio Use ASCII No Color (Select “N” when asked) All of the menu’s are Text Only. Press ? if you want to reload menus. Enjoy If your comm software has trouble with the long bbs name, try: or […]

Telnet: | bfbbs.no-ip.com:8888 |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | irata.online:6502 |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | nitelite.ddns.net:9000 |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Telnet |
This is a real departure from the usual Atari BBS and contains great features especially in the message bases with find and replace editing, “what” feature for reading reply source message and grouping, database improvements for stability, and low maintenance. Atascii / SyncTerm Atari Screen Mode

Telnet: | southernamis.ddns.net |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Telnet |
Atari BBS running Atascii/Atari only. 130XE Platform Hosted in the AWS Cloud. Legacy project as tribute to Circa 1984 New York BBS Southern Comfort SyncTerm Atari Screen Mode or Atascii for Terminal Program