Slinky’s Place (MajorBBS)
Location:Phenix City, AL, USA

This is the MBBS V10 version of Slinky’s Place. It has several MBBS modules (MajorMUD, TLORD, etc) and access to the Game Portal game server for BBS door games. This also gives access to the Yankee Trader Game Server. The MBBS side of Slinky’s Place should always be considered as a work in progress. I have decades of experience with a lot of BBS software, but MBBS / Worldgroup was always far too expensive for my paygrade. I’m always trying new thing and discovering things that MBBS can do. I especially like the Teleconference feature, and am surprised at the number of connected systems. File areas?… maybe later, but not a priority ATM. I have a lot of files on the Synchronet side, and they’re available from HTTPS as well, so it would be redundant and very seldom used on this system. Mostly here for MBBS modules from days gone by.

Steven Bennett
Author: Steven Bennett

Connect to Slinky’s Place (MajorBBS) Now!

This BBS is using a non-standard telnet port (2323), the web telnet script may not work.

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