Telnet: | bbs.conf.eti.br |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | clutchbbs.com |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |
rUNNING sINCE 1995/2OO7… Nestled in the shadows of the digital realm since 1995, the enigmatic Bulletin Board System remains an obscure and clandestine sanctuary for the tech-savvy few who dare to seek its veil of secrecy.

Telnet: | |
Software: | ArmBBS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | coderedmud.servegame.com:2323 |
Software: | Worldgroup |
Connection: | Telnet |
you can also call with Telnet/SSL on port 992! ZOC supports Telnet/SSL by default. (highly recommended!) SyncTERM nightly builds also support Telnet/SSL. (Listed as “TelnetS” under Connection Type) bear in mind nightly builds are meant for testing and might be rough around the edges. the cold fusion bbs is back! lots of great artwork from […]

Telnet: | bbs.coldwinterknights.net:8888 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Resurrection of a 1990s-era Citadel-type BBS, built upon LambdaMOO code

Telnet: | bbs.qzwx.com |
Software: | WWIV |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Enigma 1/2 |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cib.dyndns.org:6400 |
Software: | Image BBS |
Connection: | Telnet |
An original Image BBS! This BBS is the original support BBS for Image BBS for the Commodore 64 and 128..

Telnet: | cib.dyndns.org:6401 |
Software: | Image BBS |
Connection: | Telnet |
A nostalgic look at the BBS of old. Contains archived messages from the 1991 era. U/D’s, Message bases, online games, movies and text files available. Running on a Rear Admiral Hyperdrive at 19.2k baud.

Telnet: | cib.dyndns.org:6402 |
Software: | Image BBS |
Connection: | Telnet |
This up-to-date version of my other two boards is where the preferred place to call for engaging in current conversations taking place over our network. Running on a Super-SX64 and two Rear Admiral ThunderDrives, CI3 offers a huge UD library of games, utilities, SID music and primary support for Image BBS systems.

Telnet: | |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | tccbbs.com |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cebbs.costakis.org |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cpugod.synchro.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | AmiExpress |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | conchaos.synchro.net:2002 |
Software: | TWGS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | conchaos.synchro.net |
SSH: | conchaos.synchro.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | SSH, Telnet |
Synchronet BBS with custom mods and original ANSI. Built with retro-gaming in mind, with emphasis placed on classic door games. Message nets include FidoNet, fsxNet, and tqwNet. Running Multi-Relay Chat (MRC) for chatting with other users from multiple systems. Local doors include LoRD, Usurper, Trade Wars, Yankee Trader, Darkness, Land of Devastation, Operation Overkill, and […]

Telnet: | |
Software: | TWGS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.cooldavid.org |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cottonwoodbbs.dyndns.org:6502 |
Modem: | 951-652-1690 |
Software: | Color 64 |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Cottonwood BBS is running on a Commodore 64 computer with a 4 GB hard drive at 2400 baud. Message boards, file transfers, online games, and more!

Telnet: | crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323 |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
All about Crappie Fishing in Florida

Telnet: | bbs.crazyerics.com |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cpbbs.de:2323 |
Software: | commodore |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | crunchers-twgs.com:2002 |
Software: | TWGS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | TWGS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | thecrypt.synchronetbbs.org:513 |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | cptalker.com:9900 |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Space-themed 18+ chat

Telnet: | sysgod.org:23000 |
Software: | EleBBS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.intersrv.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |
Sysop: Tetrazocine

Telnet: | wolf.tfcis.org |
Software: | MapleBBS |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS

Telnet: | dangerbaybbs.dyndns.org:1337 |
Software: | PCBoard |
Connection: | Telnet |
We are the Official BBS Door Gamez & Appz Museum. We host VGA Planets games (VGAP). A revived and revamped elite PCBoard BBS from 1995, operating in the (604). This is not your stock PCBoard. Modded to the MAX with many original, never before seen programs (PPEs) and games created by the sysop. We have […]

Telnet: | |
Software: | Enigma 1/2 |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | play.ddgame.us |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |
Ɗaɳƙ Ɗoɱaiɳ is basically a bulletin board built around a medieval role-playing atmosphere (or is it the other way around?). Instead, you LIVE the online game as you kill, steal, brawl, and joust the other members to gain levels and fortune.

Telnet: | darkforcesbbs.dyndns.org:2200 |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | darkgame.buanzo.org |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | darkmatt.synchro.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.darkrealms.ca |
Modem: | 647-847-2083 |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Since 1994, Darkrealms has served as an on-line roleplaying community for the Greater Toronto Area and is one of the worlds largest Renegade BBS’s still remaining. LORD, TradeWars 2002, Usurper, and more. Full Fidonet backbone and thousands of Usenet groups on-line, as well as Internet Email.

Telnet: | bbs.dsbbs.ca |
Software: | RemoteAccess |
Connection: | Telnet |
Dark Systems BBS, originally running from 1992 until 1998, has been reborn in 2020! Rocking RemoteAccess like it’s 1994! Home of the 80s ANSI art/sprite packs! FREE ANSI art n’ sprites for use on your BBS NEW ANSI packs added regularly! Always accepting requests! Also, home of the AMAZING… __ _ /\ \ \___ ___| […]

Telnet: | |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | darkforce-bbs.dyndns.org:1040 |
Software: | BBS Express! ST |
Connection: | Telnet |
Started in the early 90’s, The DarkForce BBS is an Atari ST hardware and software based BBS. It runs on an Atari Mega ST4, with an AdSpeed accelerator board, 4 gigs of SCSI hard drive space, and 2x CDROM, connected to the Internet by a WiModem232 Pro, at up to 38.4k speeds. The DarkForce BBS […]

Telnet: | darklevel.hopto.org:64128 |
Software: | CBase |
Connection: | Telnet |
BBS Software: HolyMoses modded C*Base 3.1 with 57600 Baud Hardware: C64R MK2, SuperCPU, RAMLink, HD, Turbo232, SD2IEC w/ Wifi-SD ROLE EHQ

Telnet: | twgs.geekm0nkey.com |
Software: | TWGS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | darkwood.ddns.net |
Software: | Worldgroup |
Connection: | Telnet |
Running Mudrev with lots of fixes and updated content. More details available here: http://www.mudinfo.net/viewforum.php?f=55

Telnet: | davesbbs.com |
SSH: | davesbbs.com |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |
Dave’s BBS originally started in 1991 running Virtual BBS on an 286 computer with a 2400 baud modem. The system made a few moves and upgrades over the years, and into the Internet age being one of the first sites in south Alabama to offer its users email addresses and UseNet news groups. In […]

Telnet: | tdod.org |
Software: | Worldgroup |
Connection: | Telnet |