Telnet: | amiganer.amms-bbs.de |
Software: | Amiga CBM |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | amigacity.xyz |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | www.amigaretro.com |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | amibbs.amigaretro.com:6880 |
Software: | AmiExpress |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | amigaunderground.com:2300 |
Software: | AmiExpress |
Connection: | Telnet |
Online in one way or another since 1984

Telnet: | amis86.ddns.net:9000 |
Modem: | 760-330-2600 (AMISXE/AMISXE) |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Restored AMIS BBS from MACE 1986 platform. This BBS is a tribute to the Atari BBS community where AMIS, FoReM and basic programming dominated the BBS scene. Telnet and Dial up Dial up 760-330-2600 user id and password: amisxe 80/40 column Ascii and Atari/Atascii Atascii using MuffinTerm, FujiNet or Atari Terminal Program. SyncTerm use Atari […]

Telnet: | amstrad.simulant.uk:464 |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | waffle.c4bmore.com:2001 |
Software: | Waffle BBS |
Connection: | Telnet |
Originally built in 2014 on a VM – copied to a Compaq flash, on a 486 running FreeDOS, Waffle BBS software, & answering telnet via a Lantronix MSS100!

Telnet: | |
Software: | C-Base |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.anduin.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.animeyo.com |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | andr01d.zapto.org:9999 |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | anotherbbs.dynu.net:1337 |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |
I am back with my main BBS. Another F-ing BBS is dedicated to the preservation of vintage computers and software. We are open 28 hours a day, 9 days a week and 62 weeks a year. I used to be up on port 23 but was getting Bombed by Bots. So I had to change […]

Telnet: | another.tel |
Modem: | 587-673-1337 / 949-593-1337 |
Software: | Maximus |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Online at Another Millennium BBS: Running Maximus BBS software in MS-DOS for an authentic 90s BBS experience, with local and fsxNet message areas, file areas, and door games including LORD and Buccaneer. USRstats, “modem stats” option on the main menu, provides information about your dialup modem connection to the BBS including baud rate and protocol […]

Telnet: | |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | alterant.bbs.dege.au |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | antidote.triad.se:64128 |
Software: | C-Base |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | technotron.asuscomm.com |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | anybox.freedyndns.de |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | delivery.trkmefoll.com:8888 |
Software: | Enigma 1/2 |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.arcadiabbs.com |
SSH: | bbs.arcadiabbs.com |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |
Welcome to ArcadiaBBS, where the past meets the present in a digital realm dedicated to preserving the magic of Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) door games. Our community is built on a foundation of nostalgia, camaraderie, and a passion for classic online gaming. Registered Doorgames Tradewars 2002 (Gold) Solar Realms Elite Legend of the Red Dragon […]

Telnet: | bbs.archaicbinary.net |
SSH: | bbs.archaicbinary.net |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | SSH, Telnet |
Archaic Binary is an easy to use BBS open to the public. Lots to do! I have created the majority of doors myself, tools available for playing around. Door games locally and via game networks. We have active message areas, local and networked. Advanced security available with SyncTERM using SSH (username/password in SyncTERM is archaic/binary, […]

Telnet: | bbs.arcticzonebbs.net |
Software: | Worldgroup |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs2.arcticzonebbs.net |
Software: | Worldgroup |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | arda-bbs.com |
Modem: | 937-315-0002 |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
A Mystic BBS based in Delaware, OH

Telnet: | area52.tk:5200 |
Modem: | 956-300-2600 (area52/area52) |
Software: | BBS Express! |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
BBS Express! 1.0 for Atari 8bit. Supports 40 column ATASCII and ASCII! Our domain is back, baby! No more need to use the longer one!

Telnet: | netasylum.com:2323 |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.at2k.org |
Software: | Virtual Advanced |
Connection: | Telnet |
This is the leading support center for Virtual Bulletin Board System (VBBS) and Virtual Advanced BBS (VADV) software. The AT2K Design BBS features many support forums, and networked message bases as well as files and the most popular door games available. So, if you want to learn more about this software, or if you are […]

Telnet: | pofobbs.ddns.net:992 |
Software: | Atari |
Connection: | Telnet |
This is dedicated to those who have the Atari Portfolio. Tons of files for your Portfolio Use ASCII No Color (Select “N” when asked) All of the menu’s are Text Only. Press ? if you want to reload menus. Enjoy If your comm software has trouble with the long bbs name, try: or […]

Telnet: | bbs.atavachronbbs.net:22 |
SSH: | bbs.atavachronbbs.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | SSH, Telnet |
SSH only

Telnet: | athelstan.org |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | adibbs.sytes.net:6800 |
Software: | CNet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Image BBS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Custom |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS

Telnet: | |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | auntiebodies.dyndns.org:2324 |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Image BBS |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | avastbbs.servegame.com |
Software: | Worldgroup |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | |
Software: | Enigma 1/2 |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | quipna.com:376 |
Software: | Mystic |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | babzworld.synchronetbbs.org |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bttfbbs.com |
SSH: | bttfbbs.com |
Software: | X/84 |
Connection: | SSH, Telnet |
BBSes are a return to the past, just like our favorite time travel movie. BTTTFBBS is a playground for Linux and Python experiments. Features a dial-out modem (call out to dial-up BBSes or information services), some local and networked games, and whatever features the sysop feels like developing.

Telnet: | bwrbbs.ddns.net |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |
BBS online since 2008, primarily a LORD and LORD II server, although we do have some files and message areas, including the DOVElink network

Telnet: | baffa.zapto.org:2323 |
Software: | Synchronet |
Connection: | Telnet |
Also check out Baffa Rogue 5.2 – Online Rogue Game based on version 5.2 from 1982 – rogue.zapto.org 7777

Telnet: | bbs.gamer.com.tw |
Software: | MapleBBS |
Connection: | Telnet |
Chinese language BBS

Telnet: | basementbbs.ddns.net:9000 |
Modem: | 503-245-5416 |
Software: | BBS Express Pro |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
The Basement BBS was originally online from 1986 – 1998. The version that you can now telnet to was pieced together with backup floppy disks from 1990-1993. The BBS includes restored messages/message bases from 1990-1993, some restored file sections, 21 online games, and lots of customization. For best results, log in with an Atari 8-bit […]

Telnet: | thebassplanet.com:64128 |
Software: | C-Base |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | battlestarbbs.dyndns.org:2525 |
Software: | Telegard |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | atlantisbbs.dyndns.org:2600 |
Software: | Wildcat |
Connection: | Telnet |
Old school BBS running Wildcat 4.20. Door games and message nets including Retronet, Ilink, and gamenet. BBS is expanding weekly. Come visit today